17 October 2023
By Minseo Kim
According to a recent study, the world has suffered economic losses of up to $29 trillion (approximately 4 quadrillion 162 trillion won) as a result of heatwaves caused by climate change.
The Dartmouth College research team reported in the scientific journal "Science Advances" that from 1992 to 2013, heatwaves caused economic losses ranging from $5 trillion to $29 trillion, affecting human health and productivity. This study was conducted by combining average temperatures during the hottest five days of each year in various regions worldwide with in-depth economic data.
Meanwhile, The World Economic Forum (WEF), commonly known as the Davos Forum, also has identified the climate crisis as the most significant threat facing humanity in the coming decade. Climate-related problems were ranked first among the top ten global risks in the WEF's 2023 Global Risk Report, highlighting the urgent need for action.
This makes it clear that over the next ten years, the climate crisis will be the most important global issue. The top concern, the failure to mitigate and adapt to climate change, makes it clear that swift, coordinated action is required to successfully address these issues. As the world develops, the urgency of addressing the climate crisis remains critical to ensuring a sustainable future for all.