November 29 2024
By Yewon Choi
Released in 2016, Disney’s animated film Moana captivated audiences worldwide with its tale of a young girl embarking on a bold journey across the ocean to discover her destiny. Praised for its stunning music and powerful narrative, the beloved film now has a sequel. Moana 2 has finally hit theaters after years of anticipation.
According to data from the Korean Film Council’s integrated ticketing system, Disney’s animated film Moana 2 attracted 196,880 viewers on its opening day, November 27, bringing its total to 197,728 viewers and securing the top spot at the box office. This opening is similar to Inside Out 2, the highest-grossing foreign film of the year, suggesting strong potential for continued success. Additionally, Wicked, which held the top position for the past week, saw a drop to second place with around 62,000 viewers.
Moana 2's impressive opening signals a positive outlook for its box office run. With high anticipation from fans, the film is expected to attract even more viewers in the coming weeks, marking a successful return for the Moana franchise.