8 August 2023
By Jiwoo Park
Donanemab seems to be a New Alzheimer's disease treatment Eli Lilly, a pharmaceutical company, has presented a result that Donanemab was able to slow down the psychological and functional decline of Alzheimer’s Disease. They have done a phase 3 study on 1,736 people who had early symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, or people with amyloid β (Aβ) plaque and tau proteins problems. Amyloid β (Aβ) plaque disturbs the brain nerve system and spreads tau which is related to Alzheimer's disease. The study showed that Donanemab was able to remove the Amyloid β (Aβ) plaques and lower the tau protein level in the blood. For people with low-medium levels of tau, Donanemab was able to slow the decline by 35% on iADRS. iADRS, integrated Alzheimer's Disease Rating Scale, is a scale that shows the ability to perform daily activities like driving, having conversations, chores, etc. However, 3 people died during the test and about 3.7% had side effects of Amyloid-related imaging abnormalities including microbleeds in the brain. People with the APOE4 gene seem to have a higher chance of having these side effects. Considering the side effects, Dr. Rabinowitch stated “Donanemab should only be used in patients with low or moderate Tau protein levels and mild symptoms, and APOE4 genetic testing should be recommended in relation to side effects” FDA decision on Donanemab and it is expected to be out by the end of the year.