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Excursion to News Media Companies

21 September 2023, members of Global Posts went on an excursion to news media companies. The purpose was to learn more about how other news media companies function and distribute work. From Jeonbuk Ilbo, Global Posts members were able to learn different types of news articles and formats to caption images. From Jeonbuk Domin Ilbo, the Global Posts members were able to learn about departments in the company and how they function to make a newspaper.


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Important Notes

Important takeaways:


Composition of newspaper

  • ⅔ news ⅓ ad

  • Collect news -> Compilation -> Photo


Parts of newspaper

Editorial office: editorial office, marketing office, general affairs office, cultural affairs office, etc 

  • Editorial Office: The central role in newspaper production. (The production Process is done in the Compilation(edit) part)


Process of collecting news

  • Reporters collect news from press releases, press conferences, briefings, and meeting people


Compilation process

- Editorial reporter plans (layout) paper for each page in charge.

- Complete the task of reading, drawing titles, placing photos, etc. through a computer printout system

- The completed paper is sent to the publisher after the second verification

  • 1st Verification: Editorial Director

  • 2nd Verification: Editorial Director (General Officer)


Overall production process (cooperation between coverage and editing)

  • 1st editorial meeting: Department managers discuss and order coverage of the news that day in advance 

  • Coverage: Reporters collect and record various news stories 

  • Writing articles: Writing newspaper articles about what reporters covered.

  • 2nd editorial meeting: Organized by the editor-in-chief, deputy directors gather to allocate articles covered by reporters by page and assign them according to the importance of the articles (top articles, middle-top articles, box articles, etc.

  • Compilation: Editors complete the page by composing the page and selecting the title.

  • Photo Selection: The desk in charge will gather to select and decide the photos to be assigned to each page.

  • Correction: Check that there are no typos on the edit page and that the sentence composition is not abnormal.

  • 1st check: (Work to get completed editorial pages checked by desk or director)

  • The editor-in-chief corrects the title of the edited page and checks whether there are any typos, whether there are any abnormalities in the composition of the page, or whether there are any missing articles or photos.

  • 2nd check: The editor-in-chief lastly checks the ground.

  • Final monitoring: Editor-in-chief and editor-in-chief final monitoring by paper just before the steel plate.

  • Editorial reporters send final completed pages to publishers


Print: Publish newspapers through rotational printing.

Delivery: Delivering published newspapers to readers


Additional Notes 

  • Not many reports from people. 

  • They usually visit people to get information about the news.

  • If they know there will be important news that will be published in an hour, even though they have to publish it now, they wait and try to include the news. 

  • Collecting news in the morning -> writing news in the afternoon -> people edit.

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